Sunday, July 24, 2011

Living in Buenos Aires

Hello All!! I have been busy this week settling into my homestay in Buenos Aires. The neighborhood I live in is called Barrio Nunez, and is in the northern part of the city. It is a really nice area and pretty ritzy except for all the poop on the ground. I am staying with 2 doctors named Alicia and Jose. They are awesome people and house students from all over the world all of the time. At this moment there are 6 students living with them including me. Needless to say there is never a dull moment in the house and at dinner. I get fed 2 meals a day and even though all of us students can speak english the primary language at the dinner table is spanish. Primarily because Alicia and Jose don't speak much english, but it's also good practice. Its a pretty sweet setup they've got. I am living in their pool house in the back with two guys from Boston.

It's pretty awesome and their meals are amazing. I am definitely blessed to have found the place, so praise God! So now I have got the housing down I just need to find a church and a gym. I went to a church on Saturday for collage aged kids near my house. It was pretty cool, except I only understood every 3rd word but I understood the overall main point of the message so that was good. So that's pretty much it, I start orientation for school tomorrow and classes begin on the 1st of August. Spanish is still hard but I am getting a little better everyday. My biggest obstacle is the understanding part. My mind still thinks in english and is still a little slow in translating things. Its just one of those things where I need to learn to think in spanish. Plus Argentine spanish is a little different than the rest of the world. For instance, any word with a "y" or "ll", in Argentina it is pronounced with a "juh" sound instead of a "yuh" sound that I am used too. And instead of referring to you as "tu" they use "vos" which is a little different but not too bad. All in all things are great I have yet to see the new Harry Potter movie but that is okay. Sorry this is more of an informative post without cool stories but I promise next post I will have great stories, one which includes me sneaking into the COPA Cup Final. Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Bryan! Glad you found the home and things are going well :) - And good food too! What a blessing. From what you're describing, it sounds like they speak it very similar to most people in Costa Rica - interesting!
